Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bloggy Cronyism

By now it probably shouldn't come as too much of a suprise to most of my readers that there are few things I deplore more than nepotism and cronyism. That said I'd like to point out some amazing work being done by friends of mine (some longtime, others might be more accurately described as really wonderful aquaintances):

Longtime buddy of mine Chris, who lives in Portland, writes a great blog that focuses on short form music reviews of some wonderful new music. If someone gives me a iTunes card for Christmas this year his blog will figure prominantly in where it gets spent. Show him some love here

A more recent friend (and another residant of The People's Republic of Portland) Brandon has a number of irons in the fire that I wanted to plug:
Along with his buddy Brock, he puts out the amazing Sprocket Podcast on living more simply and showcasing folks who make the most of their bikes, public transit, brewing their own beer, living cell phone free, etc.

He also writes a blog where he talks about some of the doctoral work he's been doing on how the church has been affected by a car-culture and paints a picture of what church might look like as we move out of that culture.
You can find that (including a recent Christianity Today article) here

Widening the Circle: Experiments in Christian Discipleship is a new book by another couple of more recent friends: Joanna Shenk (Author) and Mark Van Steenwyk (Contributor).
It's a collection of pieces on radical discipleship in Christian communities that have drawn from the anabaptist tradition (I've placed my order already at my local independant bookstore)

They are co-hosts of another of my favorite podcasts The Iconocast (One of my personal favorite episodes can be found here)

Lastly, from (where else) Portland, a couple of guys I've known forever (one was even in my wedding) are putting out some wonderful music as part of 4-piece called Priory. You can and should check them out here

1 comment:

  1. I'll be sure to follow up these recommendations, even if your plug for mine is most certainly unwarranted and nepotistic. However, I do appreciate it.
